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autor: morf
15 cze 2022, 13:31
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

Łukasz78 pisze:Dla bezpieczeństwa zachowałbym to tylko na użytek własny.
Czemu losowo odkopujesz stare tematy, tylko zeby napisac nic nie wnoszace 1-2 zdania?
autor: morf
23 lis 2020, 10:37
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

inux3d pisze: Do you consider the people who make 3d models of fan art, artists? They simply reproduce the original desing :) So if you make an stl of baby yoda, do you create art? I see Lucas Films being the creator (and they always will be) and the person who makes a "copy" into an stl, a person who piggybacks on their original idea :)
I strongly do not agree with You.
For example do You consider this guy https://twitter.com/fotismint a "design reproducer"? For me what he does is art anyway.
There are people that sculpt figures of well known characters e.g batman,joker,marvel or movie characters etc. Do You consider it as a copy of original designs/ideas?
inux3d pisze: The original TerraPi design(s) will always be ours. We designed it and produced it first. That is what matters. Any derivatives that may come, will always remind people of the TerraPi and will always be compared to it.
I don't want to neglect the company position on the market and brand recognizability but I must admit without twitter Ad, I'd probably never hear of inux3d. (Sadly)
Well I'd say even assuming You are the first one that designed and started selling this particular product if I would have found it on the thingiverse first and then saw on Your site it's not that obvious who was the original creator.

And it's not only in 3d printing, but also music, film and entertainment idustry. Generaly speaking I'd could make a hypothesis that the one that is more popular takes the credics.
Look at the James Bond movie series, how many people connect it with it's precursor in Ian Fleming books?
Or great game The Witcher, how many players e.g in US know about the Sapkowski's books?
autor: morf
23 lis 2020, 10:16
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

rafaljot pisze: @morf Why is it so cool? I want to do my own. What is important?
It just looks cool IMHO, and potentialy saves some horizontal space in favour of vertical :)

The only valid points are to check the SSD mounting points blueprints (good reference https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... orage.html for 7mm drives
However I'd like to suggest some improvement to bother you even more if your have a few spare minutes :-)
* Add kind of a clip to hold z power wire (90deg connector would be perfect but I don't have any)
* Enlarge the hole on the bottom of the stand for better airflow
rafaljot pisze: PS: It will take me less time to design than reading this thread.
True story bro :piwo:
autor: morf
22 lis 2020, 19:25
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

Well this thread is getting more & more interesting :)
I think those questions should be not only be directed to me but rather to wide community of reprapy.pl board ;)

But let me share my thoughts:

1) Quality product / design
inux3d pisze: 1. How can you judge the quality of our product, if you dont have it in your hands? (we will ship one to you for free though- email us your address)
Your version looks a lot like ours but its not the same ( good job btw - not bad at all)
I've never judged the quality of your product, as i have never seen it in my hands. Judging from pictures I can only assume that final quality of the parts are similar to top notch 3d printed parts. That's good!
I've printed mine on Prusa mk3s with 0.2 layer height, and it tuned out just fine.
It might have been even better if I use a quality profile rather than a "speedy" one and add monotonic infill and ironing.
My particular print with Rpi is hidden in the closet anyway.

There are some negative comments on Your website anyway, but I guess it's more about user negative attitude, isn't it? :crazy:
What I can judge is the design and the idea behind that I fancy much! :good:
By writing that it is "simple & plain" I meant that it is an advantage.

Browsing the catalog on Your web-page I can clearly see that some of the parts are shared between different designs that makes it kinda "modular" (buzzword ;) )

2) Distribution problems and illegal sharing and ideas to overcome the problem
inux3d pisze: 2. What if, you sold stl files and one user started selling your product (that they printed). Would you spend your time going after them? That has costs that woudl impact your product price. Not ideal, right? How can you protect your IP and your investment?
Prusa has open sourced their product, but how likely will it be for a user to source all the parts from a hundred vendors (the electronics and metal parts) rather than just buying from Prusa at the end of the day?
But there would be many (who own a 3D printer and have free time) who would "consider" selling them and make a profit from our R&D and design, since they would only have to print and sell.
Well I think that's the main problem here but it's actually the same case with 3d STLs as well as with other "virtual" products like mp3 songs or stock photos, ebooks or application license etc.
There is and unfortunately there will always be a fraction of people that will try to share it illegally or try to sell it.
But taking into consideration a literature and ebooks, even though there is a number of ebooks available on the internet that are shared illegaly, but still people keep buying them from regular ebook stores (at least it's what I do).
There are of course law mechanisms that could probably help You to enforce to limit those.

I believe that still 3d community people would rather purchaise a verified, correct and legit STL file for a couple of EUR than spend some time to find it on someones dropbox as a shared file. There's a bunch of sites that already sell 3D designs.

I do have some ideas to share with You. And I'm curious whether You'll like it or not.

Idea #1
To introduce a pilot sale sale of one of an STL of one Your existing design or a new design.
VERSION A) Distribute it as separate item in the store, so You'll have both printed and STL version and check the sales numbers.
VERSION B) User can buy the physical case but if one pays + 20% will receive a STL file as well.

Idea #2
Silly anti-thief solution to automatically emboss username or a pseudo serial number on STL file that is delivered to end user.
It will not stop anyone but might impact on the possible user that will at least think twice before sharing it online.

Idea #3
If you're worried about the quality that end user will end up with -> try to provide some simple guide, something like that:
Print settings https://github.com/gregsaun/bear_extrud ... ettings.md (Bear upgrade)
or a extrusion calbration https://guides.bear-lab.com/Guide/Extru ... diameter/8 (Bear upgrade)

Maybe a simple sample calibration check part that user can print and check if e.g can fit m3 nut into hole, could be a good think to indicate and communicate prior to to future purchaise.

inux3d pisze: Ultimately, how much would you pay for an STL version? (not a trick question) Would you pay 5EUR? (for example)
I think the only right answer is of course that "it depends". It depends on several factors and should somehow reflect Your time and efforts spent on design. But The amount You've proposed (compared to 7.5EUR for printed version) seems fine for me!

I know my most is most probably TL, but I've tried to be fair and give You some hints.
autor: morf
22 lis 2020, 12:14
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

Ahoj inux3d,

thanks for the reply!
inux3d pisze: The reason we do not share/sell the stl files is more related to the execution of the design. The material used is not cheap PLA and the technique of printing is very specific. Additionally, there are nuts and bolts involved that the end user would have to purchase to assemble the parts together. There are more than 10 bolts involved with specific tolerances, that many may not find easy to find/achieve.
I definitely do not feel entitled to indicate the direction of your sales department but the argumentation that You've presented (if it's the only one) it's just something I do not fully agree.

My design use only basic M screws and screws provided with SDD drive.It's not printed from "cheap PLA" but a prusament PETG.
Apart from that, just to be fair this particular stand will work just fine even printed from cheap PLA ;)
Honestly speaking the design is so simple (no overhangs, no bridges etc) that I don't see any possible problems that even entry levels users may possibly have.

I agree that anyone with poor quality printer or not calibrated printer could have problems with printing this design, but most probably those users will experience same problems with other prints anyway.
Moreover when You look at the reprap world I'd say majority of the parts in our machines (printers) are 3D printed.

There are products being sold by big market players that recently have started to sell their products in a "hybrid mode" e.g selling non-printable parts + STLs.
Examples are presented in a YT video from Prusa:

źródło: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F93SMGQpZZk

Some companies give user a choice to purchaise a physical product or to buy a model and self-print.
If many of Your test group users fail to print it might also indicate that models should be better optimized for 3d printing.

For me personally it was a matter of time.
My version emerged as a result of my impatience I had a RPi and SSD in my hands one day and truly I didn't want to wait a week or more for the shipping.
autor: morf
21 lis 2020, 21:32
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

Hi inux3d :)
Warm welcome to you Guys and kudos for the design :)

No worries my version was not shared anywhere and will not be shared ever.
Please rethink the approach with selling the model itself. It's up to you of course but there's a number of people that would rather purchase the model and print it themselves.
autor: morf
15 lis 2020, 20:32
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

Dzięki robi się rzeczywiście ciekawie :-)
Fajna dyskusja !

Dodam moje 3gr
Oczywiście moje pytania szczególnie dot sprzedaży są czysto hipotetycznie.
Nie znoszę cwaniakowania dlatego napisalem wprost "jak było".
Nie chciałbym odbierać komuś kto spędził określony czas nad tym stojakiem potencjalnych klientów.
A zresztą jeszcze kilka godzin temu sam chciałem to po prostu kupić aby też dać zarobić.

Widzę już parę usprawnień więc może następna wersja modelu będzie na tyle różna od originalu abym mogl się bez problemów z Wami podzielić.
autor: morf
15 lis 2020, 19:44
Forum: Offtop
Temat: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo
Odpowiedzi: 26
Odsłony: 13603

Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo


wrzucam do "shitstorm" bo obstawiam, ze moze byc sporo głosów :)

W skrócie mowiąć jakis czas temu spodobał mi sie stojak do RPI + SSD, ktory zobaczylem tutaj:
https://shop.inux3d.com/en/home/21-terr ... 60016.html
Widze ze to wydruk 3D wiec zapytałem firmę o możliwość zakupu modelu STL tak zeby sobie to wydrukować samemu ale dostałem odpowiedz ze modeli nie sprzedaja i na razie nie planują.

Cóż usiadłem więc do fusiona, zaciągnąłem blueprint RPI i SDD oraz patrząć na zdjęcia w/w konstrukcji narysowałem sam.

Wydrukowałem i jest...MorfPiSSDCase :)
Teraz pytanie:
Co ja najlepszego narobilem :DD

Czy ktoś mogłby podsunąć jakies sensowne źrodło tak aby poczytac o prawach autorskich przy druku 3D?

Pytania jakie kłębią mi się w głowie np:
1. Czy taki obiekt to naruszenie praw autorskich swojego "pierwowzoru"?
2. Czy moze sam "model" tzn stl jest naruszeniem praw a wydruk (jako mój własny twór) już nie?
3. Czy taki model mogę Wam udostępnić na forum albo czy moge go hipotetycznie sprzedawać?
4. A czy moge hipotetycznie sprzedawac juz gotowy wydruk?
5. Zapewne rozni sie wymiarami, grubościami, kątami itp wiec nie jest to kopia.
6. Januszująć można by pewnie iść w zaparte ze nie jest w 100% podobny do pierwowzoru, lub w ogole takiego pierwowzoru nie miał.

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