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Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 23 lis 2020, 09:59
autor: Berg
bla, bla bla.

@morf Why is it so cool? I want to do my own. What is important?

PS: It will take me less time to design than reading this thread.

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 23 lis 2020, 10:16
autor: morf
rafaljot pisze: @morf Why is it so cool? I want to do my own. What is important?
It just looks cool IMHO, and potentialy saves some horizontal space in favour of vertical :)

The only valid points are to check the SSD mounting points blueprints (good reference ... orage.html for 7mm drives
However I'd like to suggest some improvement to bother you even more if your have a few spare minutes :-)
* Add kind of a clip to hold z power wire (90deg connector would be perfect but I don't have any)
* Enlarge the hole on the bottom of the stand for better airflow
rafaljot pisze: PS: It will take me less time to design than reading this thread.
True story bro :piwo:

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 23 lis 2020, 10:17
autor: mcxmcx
Reasumując: panowie zarejestrowali znak towarowy, nie zarejestrowali wzoru użytkowego, ani nie złożyli wniosku (brak numeru).

Kolega sam narysował, lepszy niż oryginał, jest ok, "mogą skoczyć na pukiel" nawet nie tylko w kwestiach moralnych, ale i prawnych.

Może mało eleganckie ale prawdziwe.

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 23 lis 2020, 10:37
autor: morf
inux3d pisze: Do you consider the people who make 3d models of fan art, artists? They simply reproduce the original desing :) So if you make an stl of baby yoda, do you create art? I see Lucas Films being the creator (and they always will be) and the person who makes a "copy" into an stl, a person who piggybacks on their original idea :)
I strongly do not agree with You.
For example do You consider this guy a "design reproducer"? For me what he does is art anyway.
There are people that sculpt figures of well known characters e.g batman,joker,marvel or movie characters etc. Do You consider it as a copy of original designs/ideas?
inux3d pisze: The original TerraPi design(s) will always be ours. We designed it and produced it first. That is what matters. Any derivatives that may come, will always remind people of the TerraPi and will always be compared to it.
I don't want to neglect the company position on the market and brand recognizability but I must admit without twitter Ad, I'd probably never hear of inux3d. (Sadly)
Well I'd say even assuming You are the first one that designed and started selling this particular product if I would have found it on the thingiverse first and then saw on Your site it's not that obvious who was the original creator.

And it's not only in 3d printing, but also music, film and entertainment idustry. Generaly speaking I'd could make a hypothesis that the one that is more popular takes the credics.
Look at the James Bond movie series, how many people connect it with it's precursor in Ian Fleming books?
Or great game The Witcher, how many players e.g in US know about the Sapkowski's books?

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 09 sie 2021, 21:12
autor: morf

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 12 wrz 2021, 09:16
autor: gwidon777
I like it!
I have designed a case for RPi.
I did it on my own and it's mine although I assume there could be some other cases that look similar.

Re: Co ja zrobilem? Czy to plagiat czy tylko podobienstwo

: 15 cze 2022, 13:31
autor: morf
Łukasz78 pisze:Dla bezpieczeństwa zachowałbym to tylko na użytek własny.
Czemu losowo odkopujesz stare tematy, tylko zeby napisac nic nie wnoszace 1-2 zdania?